Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Rant About Work

Since I won't be riding the LIRR for a month or so, I figured I can blog about the annoying people I meet while working at the pharmacy.....

For example, the people who abuse the church's good nature to help people in need....We have an agreement with the local church that they will send patients to us and they will pay for emergency prescriptions for them (for example, an antibiotic for someone who has no health insurance). Over the years, apparently every loser in town (and many from towns far far away) have discovered the church and are using it on a monthly basis to pay for their prescriptions. Month after moth, the same people are coming in...and the best part?? they have INSURANCE, they claim they can't afford the copays....I know PLENTY of UNINSURED people that would LOVE to be paying a copay rather than hundreds of dollars for their meds.

We even had one woman have the church pay for her diet pills!!!!!! Again, she had insurance, but she claimed she didn't think it was fair that they charged her a higher than normal copay, so she got the church to pay for it.....we soon put a stop to THAT!

Now today, we have a woman (again with insurance....GREAT insurance I might add) who had three meds called was a $60 copay but it was for a 3 month supply of a drug that would normally cost around $500 for someone without she goes into her purse, and whips out a PILE of discount cards for various brand name medications (these cards are usually given out by doctors to patients that either don't have prescription coverage or their plan doesn't cover the specific drug) and she finds one for her meds. That brought the copay down to $45...still she wasn't happy....long story short 6 prescriptions, 3 discount cards and two phone calls later, she only wanted TWO of her meds....because the church would pay for $50, and those two added to around $44...... (on a side note, in order for her to have this great prescription coverage, she or her husband have to be working at a pretty decent why are they abusing the church?)

THEN she has the nerve to ask me to ring her up for a few items and she hands me a church issued gift card from the store. For whatever reason, it wasn't swiping properly in the machine, so she digs in her purse only to come out with FIVE MORE gift cards!!!!!!

We have elderly patients who have no coverage (or crappy coverage) that are choosing to either pay for 5 days worth of heart pills or buy food, and they will not ask the church for help...but as usual the squeaky wheel gets the oil, so if you don't bitch & complain, you won't get help.....its just so sad

And I the church goers who donated money know where their donations are going to? Do they know that they are paying for able bodied, working people (with insurance) to get their meds for FREE??? AND to get free gift cards on top of THAT?!?!?!!?!!?!?

I honestly do not donate to the church for those very reasons. I like helping those in need, but repeated abuse of it makes me angry. When Mike & I do donate, we give to the food pantry.....I refuse to give cash.

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