Monday, April 13, 2009

Books? Who needs BOOKS?!?!?!?!?!?!? I Do!!!

So there I was headed to my local library to get some books on a research paper I was doing. I stroll on in and head to the computers to look up my topic and find books that I can use. A simple topic really....alcoholism and smoking and the effects on your health.

I do the first search on alcoholism....on the first page of about 10 results, I came across about 8 that were Internet sites. EIGHT out of ten? So I proceeded to take down call numbers for the few books I was able to find...on to the next topic of smoking.....basically the SAME result, I actually couldn't find ONE book on smoking..they were all Internet sites!

so maybe I am old-fashioned, and the crazy idea of finding BOOKS in a library is just unfathomable in this day and age. As I went on my quest with my short list of call numbers, I looked around to see A LOT less books in the entire library...I did see more computers and more DVDs to rent, but less aisles of books. I guess with all these people using their Kindles to read books and such instead of actually picking up such a book made of paper and cardboard, there is no need for books in the libraries anymore. It's sad, I LOVE books, and I NEED to be able to touch the book and turn pages, not click on a screen or keypad, I just can't!

besides the book issue at the library, I came across a common trend of leaving kids in the library as a babysitter. Little kids running around obnoxiously screaming, yelling, stamping up and down parents to watch over. And if there WAS a parent around, you got the usual "oh stop it now....." as the kid throws a fit in the middle of the place. I mean I think it MORE quiet outside in the parking lot than it was in the actual library itself! Ridiculous.

I also came across the slobs of the know the ones that have NO CLUE how to return a book to the shelf (or at least to the rack so the librarian can return it to the proper place) I went to have a seat to look through my THREE books, and I wasn't sure if people were sitting at places and just left their books there for a moment or if they actually DID leave and just figured someone else could clean up after them. I finally found an empty table, I did some reading, took some notes. Out of the blue a guy gets up out of his seat and slams like 5 big books down on the floor making a very loud bang. When numerous people turned in his direction his reply was "sorrrrrrrry" as if WE were wrong to expect people to NOT throw books on the floor! ugh!!!

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