Saturday, September 11, 2010

Doing your job...what a concept!

So what's with these LIRR employees? I get on the train this morning ($36 round trip I remind you) and there are three conductors and one engineer aboard the train. I make it through 2 stops, no one checks any tickets, I get through 2 more stops, no ticket checking yet! What the hell? So now it is time to switch trains (8 stops after I got on), as we pull into the station, people start to get up....guess who shows up? One of the conductors who is obviously pissed because he can't get through....hey it's not our problem buddy that you decided to wait until we are all about to get off to attempt to check tickets! He even makes the comment "Oh what are you all afraid you won't get a seat on the next train?" Well actually...YES...with the LIRR shortening trains and with people pushing others out of the way to get seats, you kind of have to be on your toes to get a seat....this guy is an IDIOT!

So now onto the next train......yet again, my ticket was not checked until we were pulling into our final stop, Penn Station. I mean SERIOUSLY, these LIRR employees seem to like to get paid for doing nothing! (isn't THAT wonderful!) And we have all heard in the news numerous times that there are some LIRR employees that are getting hundreds of thousands of dollars in overtime and pensions...wouldn't it be nice for them to WORK?!?!

Now normally I would be like "woo hoo, free ride!" but I purchased my expensive ticket already and had I known that they wouldn't be checking tickets til the last possible minute, I would have purchased a less expensive ticket from another station.

and I am not trashing ALL LIRR employees, because I have come in contact with many conductors who are happy to help and do their job well, its those bad, non-working morons that work there that make the headlines and make it worse for everyone else.

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