Tuesday, September 21, 2010

so I have been slacking....here's what you missed!

Dear girl wrapped around the pole on the subway.......I don't know if you're channeling your past life as a stripper or if you're practicing for tonight, but don't wrap your entire body around a pole that others may need to hold onto. (I know maybe you need to rehearse and all, but c'mon I don't see anyone flashing dollar bills your way)

Then there's the guy who's sporting a eco-shirt with the words "Save Our Planet" across his chest, carrying a 'green' reusable tote that states the same on helping save the environment, and he's sitting there SMOKING...Umm last time I checked, cigarette smoke pollutes the air we breathe and I'm pretty sure those cigarette butts on the ground aren't helping Mother Earth out too much buddy......
And then finally, thank you Mr snot blower, hanky using, nasal mist sprayer guy....you let me taste your nasal spray today while waiting to get off the LIRR. There I am minding my own business, waiting to get off at the station, and then here you come moseying on up right next to me (every hear of personal space?) and you sound the fog horn as you blow your nose into a rather well used looking handkerchief.....at least you were covering your face...but THEN you whip out the nasal spray, give a few squirts into the air and then snort it....let me tell you, it doesn't taste very good!! You are yet just another fine example of the slobs I meet that have no respect for others.......

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