Tuesday, November 11, 2008

on a side note....

Today while I made my way into Manhattan, I encountered 2 women and their children. they had among them about 6 young boys (I would say the ages ranged from 5 to 12 or so) and I have to say after seeing all the crap I see on the trains, they were a pleasant change for me....

they didn't yell and scream

they stayed in their seats

they weren't obnoxious

and the mothers ACTUALLY kept the kids under control and PAID ATTENTION!!

I am so sick of some woman (or man, or couple even) hopping on a train and they have ONE kid with them...bouncing on the seats, running up and down the aisles, screaming, crying and having temper tantrums...its ridiculous! The parents also like to do nothing about it either...let them run amok, they don't seem to care! And now I come across this group and the kids are all so well behaved! (and I'm not saying it like they were silent and all, they chatted with one another, and they were much more quieter than some of the adults on board when they talk!)

Kudos to good parents who teach their children the proper way to behave!

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