Tuesday, November 25, 2008

ummm excuse me but what the HELL?!?!?!?

as you may very well know I travel by train everyday to get to and from school. Well, with all of the economy going in the shitter, the LIRR and MTA (trains, buses and subways) have decided that they have to increase fares. Ok Ok, I understand they need money, but so the fuck do I!!! If they raise the prices more and more people won't be able to afford to commute to work (the lucky people that still have their jobs) It's ridiculous.

NOW within less than a week there have been two major incidents on the LIRR. Lasy week, 2 trains 'bumped' inot each other as they were both trying to get on the same track. Luckily they were both just leaving the station, so they were moving relatively slow, but it is apparent that no one paid any attention. The one train hit the other one a few cars inot it, so how the HELL did they not SEE that they were getting pretty damn close to the other train, They were travelling slow enough that they could have stopped. Reports state that both engineers of the trains ignored their stop signals (so you just ignore these things that are IMPORTANT in preventing accidents?!?!?)

and as of today (which is a Tuesday) the LIRR is STILL working on a derailed train from SUNDAY!! Yeah three days of crappy commuting chaos! Trains cancelled in both directions, commuters forced to use buses to get to and from work. Not to mention the fact that the MTA stated on their website that if the delays cause an overflow of commuters in Penn Station, they will have to shut it down! Scary facts, luckily they didnt and the delays were reduced by today, but they are still working on it....

Why do I bitch about this? Because how can I honestly say "Sure I'll pay more" When these fucks can't keep the damn trains on the tracks!?!?!?!?

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