Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I cannot believe this has actually happened!

How can I be so damned lucky to encounter possibly the WORST person to have to share a train car with during my commute?!?!?!?!? The woman I am mentioning had the following 'qualities' that made me want to kick her teeth in:

- chattering away LOUDLY on her cellphone

- during this conversation she also has her IPod turned up to the volume limit (can't you shut it off even to gab on the frigging phone?)

- not bad enough I have to listen to her crappy choice of music, but then I get to 'enjoy' her singing along

- after her phone calls were apparently done, she started texting. How do I know? because she had the chimes on so that each keystroke made a wonderful sound as she typed and then when she got a new text the song blasted some crappy song. You are STARING at the phone the whole time, do you NEED it to be ringing so loud? Put it on silent or at least vibrate! I don't appreciates blasts of music every few second for a 90 minute trip!

- she must have sat in a vat of perfume for a few hours prior to getting on the train. It may have smelled nice in moderation, but the stink that eminted off of her could NOT be considered a lovely perfume. Those few ounces of liquid that come in those perfume bottles are not one time usages....

- and THEN she was clicking her gum...click click, snap snap...chew chew...WTF!!?!?!?!?

I was wondering why she wasn't coughing or sneezing all over as well, that would have been the final straw!!!!

I mean you turn up your IPod to tune out the rest of the world, yet you are causing stress and annoyance to all of those around you in the process!

I truly just wanted to lean over the seat and peg a pen or something at her head, I REALLY REALLY did!

all these cellphones now have music players on them as well....WHY DONT YOU WEAR FUCKING HEADPHONES!?!?!!?!!?!!?!!?!? I have someone here in the computer lab next to me singing her heart out and loudly playing her 'phone'. Why are people always under the impression that everyone else wants to hear their shit? WHY? WHY? WHY?????

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