Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Something 'new'

Well this isn't a blog about my commute or the stupidity I see at school everyday, but it IS something I have to vent about...bars!

I went out last week with some friends to a bar. Now I hardly go out to bars anymore, but after what I experienced I understand why I stay away.

The place was PACKED, at least 3-4 people deep to get to the bar. We find a little corner to stand in and have a look around. It was weird, every face you looked at was either 21 or 65, there was no in between..what the hell is THAT about? And carrying a conversation with your friends was near impossible, due to the karaoke going on and the other people trying to talk over the karaoke. I really would like a place where I can sit down, have a few drinks and actually TALK to my friends. (why can't it be like on 'How I Met Your Mother'??)

After a while I ventured forth towards the bar to get a drink. I said my excuse me's and such but it didn't work, I had to lean in and talk into their ears and yet people would still just stand there. I had a few people move that incredible inch to let me through. I mean are you complimenting me by actually thinking I can make it through that tiny crevice of a space you left me or are you just being stupid (I believe it's the latter choice)

When I got back to the 'corner' I tried to have a conversation again, and as I talked with my friend, I was pushed multiple times, pushed? no it is more like SHOVED. I literally bumped into my friend a couple of times after people made their way through. No 'excuse me', not even the light little push, that makes you move aside, no they were plowing through like linebackers (oh my husband would be so proud..I used a football term!)

We moved around the bar to go watch some karaoke. Don't get me wrong I like a little karaoke-ing now and then, I have even gone up a few times myself, but this was ridiculous. I guess watching 20-somethings, way beyond drunk, scream their asses off to terrible songs just isn't my cup of tea.

Maybe I AM just too old for this shit...but what about those old timers I saw??

*** an additional note ***

At school last night, I was forced to use a pay phone (as many of you may know, I have had some cell phone issues, so I don't have one at the moment). Not a big deal.

I go to the hallway and put my 75 cents in to make a call home. Well as I am listening to the phone ring, I am practically knocked over by some girl and her huge bag. I was forced against the wall! (Good thing I was standing to the side of the pay phone or else my teeth would have a new grill on them saying VERIZON) I turned and looked at her and she just stared at me like "What?" Now being in this school an being a minority (white girl from LI) I do not want to start shit with anyone, so I just let it go. But THEN she walks up next to me and gets on the other pay phone and as she's searching for change, she is screaming down the hallway to other people.

At this point, I can no longer hear my mother on the phone, and I tell er that if she can hear me, I'll call her back later because I can't hear her due to the noise.

Now people come on!! Why are there so many rude assholes around??

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