Thursday, December 4, 2008

A Thursday Kind of Rant

Here's a rant for today....

How can it be that people are so frigging oblivious to their actions, that they don't see what they're doing to other people who have to share the same space with them on the way to work, school, etc on the train?

- why douse yourself in cologne and trigger my migraines? or make the lady in front of me start having a sneezing attack (which is gross in itself, and sets off a chain reaction of grossness). A little spritz or dab is fine, why smell like you fell in the vat at the perfume factory? Do you really think you smell that good? or are you trying to cover up a nasty smell (in that case, I kind of want to thank you, I'd rather keel over from cologne fumes than die of unknown body odors) PLEASE, ease up!

- oh and the lady who clipped her nails throughout the train ride...yeah I heard the 'clip' 'clip' 'clip' and I saw you let the fingernail scraps fall to the floor and on the seat next to you. How disgusting can you be?? Beyond the nastiness, I want to know what the hell; you had to clip for an hour and a half, I mean I THINK you only had ten fingers, but maybe you're special and have a few extras.

- oh yeah, guy in front of me that couldn't get comfortable....I know the train seats aren't the cushiest of seats to be stuck in for the long train trip, but your constant shifting and roughly sitting down etc kept banging your seat against my knees...your uncomfortableness made ME uncomfortable as well....thanks

and now I am at the library computer lab...and I have a few fellow students around me,

- the kid that keeps sniffling....we have like 100 bathroom around here (4 in the library itself) go get a fucking tissue 'sniff' 'sniff' 'sniff' its repulsive to hear your snot get pushed further up your nose.

- the EXTREMELY loud typer, calm down guy, its just a keyboard, and we're in the lab where we can't do work processing, so those IM's can't be THAT dire that you have to slam on the keys...that's why my technology fees keep going up

I think that's it for now............we'll see

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