Wednesday, March 11, 2009

and now for something completely different....

I had a few rants in mind while I was at school and on the train today, but then I got a message from my husband, and my troubles seemed to melt away.

See, Mike isn't one to be all lovey dovey all the time (I am...I think Isay I love you so much, he may be sick of hearing it!) So on those few occasions that he comes up and does something sweet and completely out of the blue, my heart just melts!

Today was one of those days, a simple text message to tell me he loves me and that I have a hug awaiting my arrival at home....that was all I needed to bring a smile to my face and to realise how lucky I am to have Mike as my husband.

We may not have the finest house, or fancy cars or loads of money to toss around, but we have each other (and Quincy of course!) and I can say that I am completely happy!

As I told Mike when I got home today (to get my hug!) "I love getting hugs from you, it's the best way to end the day!"

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