Tuesday, March 24, 2009


So there I was, sitting in my History class, taking an exam. My professor likes to give us essay exams, so you can imagine the work you have to put into each test (there is one EVERY week!). As I am reading over the questions, the girl in front of me (now let me remind you that we are in EXTREMELY close quarters in this particular classroom, its very annoying to be so cramped together!) Back to the girl in front of me...she proceeds to take out a bag of chips, crumples the bag to get it open and then eats. Potato chips are NOT quiet snacks...they are LOUD! So there she is crunch Crunch CRUNCH as we are all trying to take a test. Then she sucks on her bottle of hawaiian punch like it was her last drink forever. THIS was extremely annoying!!

Now, to make matters worse....her buddy next to her, finishes his test, then takes out THREE bags of chips and assorted snacks. He then starts to smash the bag of chips on his desk, making plenty of noise, and after he has pulverized the ships, he then stuffs them down his gullet! He does that with the second bag as well.

what the hell is wrong with people? no consideration for ANYONE?!?!!?!?!!??

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