Wednesday, October 8, 2008

An older post, looking back

Yeah I tend to bitch about a LOT of what?

Well I was going through old notebooks and such getting prepared for my fall semester at good ol' John Jay and I came across a bunch of pages folded together in one book. What I find within these pages are numerous rants about day to day life taking the train to class every morning and returning at night....I thought it was funny to see how much I do indeed bitch about things.

I mentioned these to Tara, and she prompted me into blogging them on here I go.....

The following is a list of people that do things that really got my goat

- the guy on the train that leaves his garbage on the train. I mean I'm sitting ther across from you and I see you take your beer can and place it ever so gently under your seat, and then I watch as you look around (I guess you didnt see me afterall?) and kick it behind you. How frigging hard is it to take a BEER CAN to the garbage when you get off the train??? I just love to have my shoes coated in beer/soda/coffee etc when I sit down...lets not even get into grosser things that have been left behind...

- the bitches at school, who have the nerve to complain about paying $50 for textbooks for the ENTIRE semester. You get a discount because supposedly you dont have the income to pay full price, but I see you with your blackberry, your fancy nails, your designer clothes, your gucci handbags and your hair made up all the time..lets not forget your IPod that is stuck in your head 24/7. How come I have to pay $1000 for books and I dont have nice things like you? I shop at Target for my clothes, I share an old IPod with my husband, I got the FREE phone with my cell plan, and dont even ask the last time I actually went and got my hair done! I guess either you sepnt all your money on these things ad thats why you cant afford books OR are they stolen goods?

- my college......ok I pay for my tuition out of pocket, I do not qualify for financial aid (the last time I checked I'm like $1000 above the thats so much considering the sorry ass money I make at my job). I trek out to NYC (taking about 3 1/2 hours roundtrip to do so), spending a decent amount of money. And all I ask for is a building that has proper heating and cooling systems. In the summer people are SWEATING, and I mean it. Dripping with sweat all day, how are you supposed to learn in an environment where all you can think about is escaping to get fresh air? The same goes for winter, people are bundled up in jackets and hats? What the hell? On a different note, we also dont have enough chairs. I recall many times in my classes that students had to go and borrow desks and/or just chairs from other rooms just so they could attend the class. If you didnt get to class fast enough, you were the one searching for a chair when you got there. How fair is THAT? The school sets up the schedules and classes, so there should be a limit on the number of students if there isnt enough seating......oh yeah and how about the elevators.....we have TWO for over 14,000 is THAT supposed to work? Granted I dont need to use the elevator, but if its 100 frigging degrees in the shcool and I need to get to the 4th floor, my ass is in an elevator.

- Bitchy animal owners. Ok,, my though is this, if I see you with a pet, I tend to think that you're a nice person. Animal people are usually friendly people. But I found that not to be true all the time. Why is it that when I smile as I see you walking your cute dog down the street, you pull your dog closer to you as if I'm going to attack it and swallow it whole? I remember my friend Lisa telling me how she gave dogs treats at her job when people brought their pets with them. She gave a dog a biscuit once and went to pet it and the woner snapped at her and said "do YOU like being touched when YOU eat?" what the hell is THAT about???

- LIRR- you like raising fares time and time again. I pay $250 a month to ride the train to and from school and the fares are going up again? I do not see any improvements with the trains, all I see is broken down trains (which lead to so many delays and cancellations), I see run down tracks, that need work all the time (adding to MORE delays), I see broken air conditioning and heat (makes such a PLEASANT trip). I don see how ever a shit load of "Watch the Gap" signs, I also see flat screen tvs at the stations telling you to "Watch the Gap", I hear numerous announcements by famous people on the loudspeakers about "Watch the Gap". SO my extra money is going towards this "watch the Gap" program? What you really mean is that my money is beng used to remind STUPID people to watch where theyre walking? I understand there are some stations out there with large gaps between the platform and the train, but again....why cant people take responsibility for theirselves? watch where you walk! Its really quite simple!! Why not use these tvs for displaying upcoming trains, or letting you know if there are delays? It makes me sick, but Im stuck using the train for now.....lets see what the fares turn into in the future.

- Offending sneezers and hackers- ok, I am not a germaphobe or anything, but why cant people cover their mouths when they sneeze or cough? I have my own germs than you very much and I do not need anymore of them. You sneeze quite loudly and spray anyone within a 5 foot radius. Come on!! We were taught in pre-school to cover our mouths, what happened as adults did we just forget? I had always carried a bottle of Purell with me (being in mortuary school I needed it) but now it seems I am reaching for it more often with people's sneezes and coughs landing on me. Honestly the breeze and fine mist of your hacking and sneezing is not a refreshing experience for me.

NOW....let me just add a few finer notes on the people that I saw that really surprised me and were NICE..

- there was the man who let me go ahead of him while getting off the train and he even smiled as he did it....thank you!

- I was short some change when I was paying and someone gave me the change....thank you!

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