Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What the HELL smokers?

I'm sitting here in the school library, and all I smell is cigarette smoke...not teh stale smell of people with the odor on their clothes, but ACTUAL cigarette smoke like someone is sitting in here puffing away. The only thing I can figure out is that people are snekaing butts in teh bathrooms located here on the 2nd floor of the library....but WHY oh why is no one doing anything about them?

I had the same situation yesterday when I was on the lower level of the library, same stink, new location. So I guess all those signs here mean nothing since the aren't enforced?

It just frigging STINKS, my sinuses are bugging me and what really urks me is that I'm going to be sitting heer for a few hours (in between classes) and I have some work to do, so I NEED to be here and I must deal with the offending smell...UGH! No wonder why my doctors asked if I have ever smoked before, they claim my lungs look like I've been a smoker...nice huh? Its all teh secomnd hand smoke I breathe in..it disgusts me!

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